Fortify Every Endpoint Against Data Breaches with Strac Endpoint Data Discovery

Leverage machine learning detection, encryption enforcement, and behavior analysis to shield sensitive data across devices with advanced Endpoint Data Discovery.
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Rising Endpoint Threats Demand Stronger Defenses(Why Endpoint Data Discovery)

With the surge in remote work, endpoints have become hotspots for data breaches. Sensitive information now resides on devices outside traditional security perimeters, increasing vulnerability to cyberattacks and unauthorized access. As a result, organizations urgently need endpoint-specific data protection measures to ward off these evolving threats and ensure robust data governance in a boundary-less corporate landscape.

Shield Critical Data with Strac's Endpoint DLP

Strac provides a robust defense for data across endpoints, ensuring secure data transfer and compliance even with the rise of remote work and mobile device use.

Deep Content Inspection

Scrutinize the actual content (payload) of data packets. Prevent sensitive information (like credit card numbers, personal identification information, or confidential documents) from leaving the organization
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URL Content Filtering

Prevent access to certain websites by analyzing and comparing their URLs to predefined rules to decide if they should be blocked or allowed.

Email Filtering

Strac rigorously examines email content and attachments for sensitive data, mitigating the risk of data leakage.
Gear with clock in the center and tick icon

Cloud Storage Monitoring

With Strac, uploads to cloud platforms are meticulously monitored and regulated to prevent unauthorized data movement.
Magnifying Document with Gear and Play Icon

Clipboard Monitoring

Strac prevents the replication of secure data through clipboard functions, protecting against covert data exfiltration.

Browser Control

Strac scrutinizes web browser interactions, particularly data uploads and form entries, to forestall web-based data breaches.
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Removable Media Encryption

Strac ensures the encryption of data transferred to external media, safeguarding against physical data theft.
A camera with a gear wheel on top of it.

Print Control

Strac's print management capabilities inhibit the unauthorized printing of sensitive materials, securing against analog data leaks.
Computer with Cloud Crossed Icon

Offline Policy Enforcement

Strac's print management capabilities inhibit the unauthorized printing of sensitive materials, securing against analog data leaks.
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Machine Learning Detection

Strac employs machine learning algorithms to detect and respond to intricate patterns indicative of data leakage.
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Optical Character Recognition (OCR)

Strac's OCR capabilities extend protective measures to image-based data, preventing obfuscated data loss.
Person Icon with Star


Strac empowers end-users with self-remediation options post-alert, enhancing data security protocols through user engagement.

Secure Your Endpoints with Strac Now

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Key Benefits of Strac Endpoint DLP

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Data's Integrity

Strac Endpoint DLP ensures your data's integrity with comprehensive visibility, control, and compliance enforcement across devices.
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Enhanced Data Visibility

Gain precise insights into data location on every endpoint, allowing for pinpoint monitoring and robust protection of sensitive information.
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Rigid Data Transfer Control

Strac provides stringent oversight over data movements, applying restrictions to safeguard against unauthorized transfers and potential breaches.
Document with Magnifying glass

Thorough Content Inspection

Deep analysis of data within files and communications detects sensitive content, guided by custom policies to prevent information leaks.
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Assured Regulatory Compliance

Strac ensures adherence to data protection regulations like GDPR, HIPAA, and PCI DSS, vital for regulated industry operations.
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Immediate Real-time Intervention

Strac's DLP allows instant action on detected threats, including blocking, alerting, and data quarantining to prevent data loss incidents.

What our customers say

Hear from companies who leveraged Strac to secure and accelerate their business

Read more on G2
Strac is a leader in Data Loss Prevention (DLP) on G2
Strac is a leader in Data Loss Prevention (DLP) on G2
Strac is a leader in Sensitive Data Discovery on G2
Strac is a leader in Data-Centric Security on G2
Strac is a leader in Data Loss Prevention (DLP) on G2
Strac is a leader in Data Loss Prevention (DLP) on G2
Strac is a leader in Data-Centric Security on G2
Strac is a leader in Data Loss Prevention (DLP) on G2
Strac is a leader in Sensitive Data Discovery on G2
Users love Strac on G2
Strac is a leader in Sensitive Data Discovery on G2
Strac is a leader in Sensitive Data Discovery on G2

“Strac protects our customer support communication channels

To protect our clients as well as ourselves, we needed a secure way to protect our communication channels for security and compliance reasons. We used Strac's Email Redaction solution where Strac protects all our employee inboxes. The redaction experience is beautiful, easy, and secure. It catches all kinds of sensitive pdfs, jpegs, images, word docs, and even in email bodies. The integration was up and running in a few minutes. The service offered by Strac's team is the best I have seen as we work with a lot of SaaS providers.

We Highly Recommend Strac to all businesses who want to protect their SaaS apps.

Nathan Seifert
Head of IT at Trivium
Nathan Seifert Portrait

“Strac secures our PII on customer support and on backend servers

On our Intercom customer support, anyone can send sensitive data to a business and a business is liable even if they did not ask for it. Strac solves that huge problem by automatically redacting sensitive data that is shared over Intercom with their accurate machine learning technology. We also leveraged Strac's Zero Data architecture via tokenization & proxy APIs so that we don't have to worry about touching sensitive data and documents on our backend servers. Strac dramatically reduces security and SOC compliance risks for us while significantly improving security posture for Seis. Strac's solutions were extremely easy to integrate (literally in few minutes) and scaled to meet our needs.

Josh Howland
CTO and Co-Founder at Seis
Josh Portrait

“Loved Strac's Interceptor Solution

We leverage Strac's tokenization & interceptor solution so that we don't have to worry touching sensitive SSNs and can leverage Strac's security expertise in building hundreds of security controls.

We could also detect identity fraud using Strac's unique tokenization solution which we are really happy with. That saved us a ton of financial losses and headaches. We are looking forward to integrating with various other Strac solutions deep into our tech stack.

Kevin Hopkins
CTO at Zeta
Kevin Hopkins Logo

Secure Your Data Endpoints Now with Strac

Deploy Strac for comprehensive endpoint data protection. Elevate your security posture and maintain compliance effortlessly.
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