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June 20, 2023
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AI Privacy

Learn what issues are present with AI Privacy and how to solve them

AI Privacy
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June 20, 2023
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AI Privacy

Learn what issues are present with AI Privacy and how to solve them



  • AI privacy refers to handling, storing, and using personal data by AI systems.
  • Issues with AI privacy include data collection and consent, inference and prediction, data security, lack of transparency, and data bias.
  • Strategies to solve AI privacy concerns include clear consent mechanisms, privacy-preserving technologies, secure data practices, algorithmic transparency, bias mitigation techniques, regulation and policy, and public awareness and education.
  • Strac helps solve AI privacy by offering DLP to protect SaaS applications and redacting PII or sensitive data before submitting to any AI model or LLMs.
  • Strac also exposes API to redact a document or text and proxy API that will perform redaction before sending to any AI model.

1. What does AI Privacy mean?

AI privacy refers to the concern and practices related to the handling, storing, and using personal data by artificial intelligence (AI) systems. Given that many AI systems, especially those using machine learning algorithms, require large amounts of data to train and improve their performance, they often interact with sensitive and personally identifiable information (PII).

AI privacy thus involves ensuring that this data is handled in a way that respects individuals' privacy rights. This includes using the data in a manner consistent with the purpose for which it was collected, protecting the data from unauthorized access, and ensuring that the AI does not make inferences that violate privacy norms or laws.

2. What are the issues with AI Privacy?

Several issues are associated with AI and privacy:

  • Data Collection and Consent: AI systems often require large amounts of data, and in some cases, this data is collected without explicit user consent or with vague terms of service that users may not fully understand.
    • Example: The Facebook/Cambridge Analytica scandal controversy is a simple real-world example. Facebook allowed Cambridge Analytica to harvest the personal data of millions of people's Facebook profiles without their consent and used it for political advertising. This raised questions about the ethical use of data and highlighted the importance of explicit user consent.
  • Inference and Prediction: AI systems can infer sensitive information from seemingly innocuous data. For example, an AI trained on social media data might imply someone's political affiliation, sexual orientation, or health status, potentially violating privacy.
    • Example: AI algorithms used by companies like Google and Facebook can analyze patterns in a person's search history, online behavior, and social network to predict various personal attributes. For instance, by analyzing movie preferences, AI can infer someone's age or gender. In a more sensitive case, an AI could infer a person's sexual orientation or political views by analyzing their social media likes and shares, potentially leading to privacy breaches.
  • Data Security: Data used by AI systems can be a target for cyber-attacks. If security measures are inadequate, sensitive user data could be exposed or misused.
    • Example: In 2017, Equifax, a credit reporting agency, suffered a data breach where the personal information of approximately 147 million people was exposed. This included Social Security numbers, birth dates, and addresses. A cybercriminal targeting a company that uses AI could potentially gain access to similarly sensitive data.
  • Lack of Transparency: AI algorithms are often "black boxes," meaning it's difficult to understand how they use the data to make decisions. This lack of transparency can make it hard for individuals to exercise their privacy rights.
    • Example: AI used in credit scoring is a good example. Companies like ZestFinance use machine learning algorithms to determine the creditworthiness of individuals. However, the exact way these algorithms work is often unclear, making it difficult for people to challenge decisions or understand how their data is being used. This lack of transparency creates potential privacy concerns, particularly if individuals aren't aware that their personal data is being used in this way.
  • Data Bias: When AI systems are trained on biased data, they can perpetuate and amplify these biases, leading to discriminatory outcomes.
    • Example: AI algorithms trained on biased data have led to issues with racial and gender bias. One notable example is Amazon's AI recruiting tool, which was discovered to be biased against women. The tool was trained on resumes submitted to Amazon over 10 years, and since the majority of those resumes came from men, the AI learned to favor male candidates over female candidates. This shows how biases in the data can lead to discriminatory outcomes.

3. How to solve AI Privacy?

Addressing AI privacy concerns involves various strategies:

  • Clear Consent Mechanisms: AI systems should have clear, understandable consent mechanisms so that users know what data is being collected, how it's being used, and how long it will be stored. Users should be able to easily withdraw consent if they choose.
  • Privacy-preserving Technologies: Techniques such as differential privacy, federated learning, and homomorphic encryption can allow AI systems to learn from data without compromising individual privacy.
  • Secure Data Practices: Strong cybersecurity practices are necessary to protect data from breaches or leaks. This includes secure data storage, transmission, and access controls.
  • Algorithmic Transparency: Developing methods to make AI decision-making more transparent can help individuals understand how their data is being used. This can involve both technical solutions, like explainable AI, and policy solutions, like regulations mandating transparency.
  • Bias Mitigation Techniques: Methods for identifying and mitigating bias in AI systems can help ensure that these systems don't unfairly discriminate based on sensitive attributes.
  • Regulation and Policy: Government regulations and policies can play a vital role in defining acceptable practices for AI and data privacy. This can include data protection laws, regulations around AI transparency, and rules governing how data can be used in AI systems.
  • Public Awareness and Education: Educating the public about AI privacy issues can empower individuals to make informed decisions about their data. This can involve public education campaigns, resources for digital literacy, and clear communication from companies about their AI and data practices.

4. How Strac helps to solve AI Privacy?

Strac is a PII-focused security company that protects businesses in 2 ways:

1. DLP (Data Leak Prevention)

Strac's DLP protects SaaS applications from companies from all PII (personal data) risks by automatically detecting and redacting (masking) sensitive data. It has integration with AI tools like ChatGPT, Google Bard. Strac also have Browser Integrations with Chrome, Edge, Safari. Check out all integrations here:

2. Redact PII, Scrub PII, Mask PII, or any sensitive data before submitting to any AI model or LLMs

Strac exposes API to redact a document or text. Strac also exposes proxy API that will perform redaction before sending to any AI model (Open AI or AWS or anyone)

Here's how Strac can contribute to addressing the issues of AI and privacy:

1. Data Collection and Consent:

Strac’s ability to automatically detect and redact sensitive data can ensure that AI systems only use appropriately anonymized data, thus protecting user privacy. By masking personal information, Strac ensures that even if data is collected, it's done without compromising the privacy of individuals.

2. Inference and Prediction:

Since Strac redacts personally identifiable information (PII) from data before AI systems process it, it limits the ability of AI models to infer sensitive personal information. Doing so can help prevent potential privacy violations that might occur due to inference and prediction. Here is an extensive blog post on how not to pass sensitive PII data to LLMs.

3. Data Security:

Strac’s Data Leak Prevention (DLP) service protects against data breaches that could compromise PII. By integrating this service with SaaS applications, companies can ensure that their sensitive data remains secure from cyber threats. This helps prevent misuse of PII and maintains data security, even if a cyber attack occurs. Here is how Strac protects by tokenizing PII and sensitive data in your app.

4. Lack of Transparency:

While Strac can't directly make AI algorithms more transparent, its services ensure that any data used by these algorithms is free from PII. This way, even if the inner workings of the AI model remain opaque, users can rest assured that their personal data isn't being utilized without their knowledge or consent. Check out our API Docs on leveraging our APIs before safely passing data to AI models.

5. Data Bias:

By redacting personal data, Strac can help reduce the potential for data bias in AI models. By removing sensitive PII, like gender or race indicators, Strac can create a more equal dataset that doesn't perpetuate societal biases.

In conclusion, Strac’s solutions address a range of AI privacy concerns, providing companies with tools to manage data responsibly, respect user privacy, and enhance data security.

5. Get Started

To learn more about Strac or want to get started, please reach out to us via or book a demo.

Founder, Strac. ex-Amazon Payments Infrastructure (Widget, API, Security) Builder for 11 years.

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