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Best PII Data Discovery Tools of 2024

Explore the leading PII Data Discovery Tools of 2024 in our comprehensive guide. Uncover the features, benefits, and user reviews to protect sensitive information and comply with data privacy laws

Best PII Data Discovery Tools of 2024
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March 31, 2024
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Best PII Data Discovery Tools of 2024

Explore the leading PII Data Discovery Tools of 2024 in our comprehensive guide. Uncover the features, benefits, and user reviews to protect sensitive information and comply with data privacy laws


Protecting Personal Identifiable Information (PII) is more than a compliance requirement—it's a fundamental component of trust and security in the digital ecosystem. As businesses navigate the complexities of data breaches, regulatory fines, and growing data privacy expectations, PII Data Discovery tools have become indispensable in identifying, classifying, and securing sensitive data across varied digital platforms.

This list explores the top PII Data Discovery tools of 2024, shedding light on their features, advantages, and how they can fortify your data protection strategies.

Top PII Data Discovery Tools in 2024

1. Strac

Strac has emerged as a frontrunner in PII Data Discovery, catering to the pressing need for sophisticated tools to navigate the complex landscape of data security and compliance. With its innovative approach and advanced technological framework, Strac offers a comprehensive solution for businesses aiming to protect sensitive personal information effectively.

Key Features

  • Advanced Algorithmic Scanning: Strac employs state-of-the-art algorithms to meticulously scan, identify, and classify PII across an organization’s digital infrastructure. This includes both structured and unstructured data, ensuring no piece of sensitive information goes unnoticed.
  • Real-time Monitoring and Alerts: It provides real-time monitoring of data storage and transfers, instantly alerting organizations to any unauthorized access or potential breaches. This proactive stance significantly reduces the risk of data exposure.
  • Seamless Integration: Strac boasts remarkable integration capabilities, seamlessly fitting into existing IT environments. Whether it's cloud services, on-premises databases, or SaaS applications, Strac ensures comprehensive coverage without disrupting operational workflows.
Strac DLP for Slack, Google Drive, Gmail, ChatGPT and More


  • Enhanced Compliance: With regulations like GDPR and CCPA in effect, Strac's ability to discover and manage PII plays a crucial role in ensuring compliance, thus shielding organizations from hefty fines and reputational damage.
  • Robust Data Protection: Beyond compliance, Strac elevates the security of sensitive data, implementing stringent protection measures based on the classification of the discovered PII. This approach fortifies defenses against cyber threats.
  • Operational Efficiency: Automating the PII discovery and classification process, Strac enhances operational efficiency, freeing up valuable resources that can be redirected towards other critical aspects of data security and business operations.

Unique Selling Point

What sets Strac apart is its no-code platform, designed to democratize data protection by making it accessible to non-technical users. This unique feature allows for rapid deployment and ease of use, ensuring organizations of all sizes and technical capabilities can achieve comprehensive PII protection.

2. DataGuard

DataGuard is a comprehensive solution tailored to address the multifaceted challenges of protecting Personal Identifiable Information (PII) in the digital era. Offering a robust platform that combines legal expertise with technological innovation, DataGuard provides businesses with the tools needed to navigate the complexities of data privacy laws while securing sensitive information against breaches.

Key Features

  • Holistic Data Protection: DataGuard offers a suite of services that extend beyond mere PII discovery, incorporating legal compliance consulting, data privacy management, and cybersecurity into a unified platform. This holistic approach ensures that businesses are not only compliant with regulations like GDPR and CCPA but are also equipped to safeguard sensitive data proactively.
  • AI-Powered Discovery and Classification: Utilizing advanced artificial intelligence algorithms, DataGuard efficiently scans an organization's data landscape to identify and classify PII. This AI-driven process ensures high accuracy and reduces the likelihood of human error, making data discovery thorough and reliable.
  • Customizable Data Privacy Frameworks: Understanding that each organization has unique data protection needs, DataGuard allows for customizing data privacy frameworks. Businesses can tailor the platform's functionalities to suit their specific operational requirements and regulatory obligations.


  • Seamless Regulatory Compliance: With its deep integration of legal expertise, DataGuard simplifies the complexities of compliance, guiding organizations through the requisite steps to meet international data protection standards. This reduces the risk of non-compliance penalties and enhances brand trust.
  • Enhanced Data Security: By identifying sensitive information and implementing tailored protection measures, DataGuard enhances an organization's data security posture. Its comprehensive approach ensures that vulnerabilities are addressed before cyber threats can exploit them.
  • Operational Efficiency and Peace of Mind: DataGuard's streamlined platform and AI-driven processes free up valuable resources, allowing businesses to focus on core operations while ensuring that their data privacy and security needs are being expertly managed.

Unique Selling Point

DataGuard's integration of legal compliance expertise with cutting-edge data protection technology sets it apart from other PII Data Discovery tools. This blend of services ensures that organizations' data handling practices are legally sound and that their sensitive information is robustly protected, providing a one-stop solution for data security and compliance.

3. Spirion


Spirion has carved a niche in the privacy management and PII Data Discovery domain, offering robust solutions that prioritize the precise identification, classification, and protection of Personal Identifiable Information (PII) across diverse digital landscapes. Known for its accuracy and depth of discovery, Spirion is a tool of choice for organizations looking to uphold the highest data privacy and security standards.

Key Features

  • High-Precision Data Discovery: Spirion sets the industry standard with its high-precision scanning capabilities, ensuring that every piece of PII, no matter how deeply buried within digital repositories, is accurately identified. This meticulous approach minimizes the risk of oversight, making Spirion particularly effective in complex data environments.
  • Advanced Classification and Remediation: Beyond discovery, Spirion offers comprehensive classification tools that categorize data based on sensitivity and regulatory requirements. Coupled with robust remediation options, Spirion enables organizations to take immediate action to secure vulnerable data, from encryption to secure deletion.
  • Privacy by Design Consulting: Spirion distinguishes itself with a consultative approach, offering Privacy by Design services that help organizations integrate privacy into their operational DNA. This proactive stance ensures that data protection is not an afterthought but a foundational aspect of business processes.


  • Unmatched Data Accuracy: Spirion's precision in discovering and classifying PII significantly reduces the risk of data breaches and non-compliance, offering organizations peace of mind in their data security posture.
  • Flexible Data Protection Policies: With its advanced remediation capabilities, Spirion allows for the customization of data protection policies, enabling organizations to align security measures with specific risk profiles and compliance needs.
  • Enhanced Regulatory Compliance: Spirion’s ability to adapt to the evolving landscape of data protection regulations makes it an invaluable asset for organizations aiming to stay ahead of compliance requirements, reducing the likelihood of costly penalties and reputational damage.

Unique Selling Point

Spirion’s unique selling point lies in its unmatched precision and the depth of its data discovery and classification capabilities. By offering a level of accuracy that few other tools can match, Spirion not only enhances data security but also significantly bolsters an organization's compliance posture. This, combined with its consultative approach to integrating privacy into business processes, makes Spirion a leader in the PII Data Discovery space.

4. OneTrust

One Trust

OneTrust has quickly ascended as a leader in the privacy management and PII Data Discovery sphere, catering to organizations’ growing need to navigate the complexities of privacy laws, secure sensitive information, and maintain consumer trust. Offering a robust platform that integrates privacy, security, and third-party risk into a cohesive ecosystem, OneTrust empowers businesses to not only comply with global data protection regulations but also to embed privacy by design into their operations.

Key Features

  • Comprehensive Privacy Management: OneTrust excels in providing an end-to-end privacy management solution that spans consent and preference management, data mapping, assessment automation, and incident response, ensuring organizations can effectively manage and protect PII.
  • Advanced PII Discovery and Classification: Leveraging cutting-edge technology, OneTrust performs deep scans across an organization’s digital landscape to discover and classify PII accurately, facilitating data protection efforts and compliance with stringent privacy laws.
  • Data Governance and Ethics: Beyond technical capabilities, OneTrust emphasizes the importance of data governance and ethical data use, offering tools and frameworks to help organizations make informed decisions about data handling practices.


  • Streamlined Compliance with Global Regulations: With its comprehensive feature set, OneTrust simplifies the compliance journey for businesses facing the challenges of adhering to multiple, often overlapping, privacy regulations like GDPR, CCPA, and more.
  • Enhanced Data Security and Privacy: By identifying where PII resides and ensuring it is handled appropriately, OneTrust enhances an organization's data security posture and builds stronger privacy protections, crucial for maintaining customer trust.
  • Operational Excellence in Privacy Management: OneTrust’s platform streamlines privacy operations, reducing the manual effort involved in data handling and compliance activities, thereby allowing organizations to focus on core business functions.

Unique Selling Point

What distinguishes OneTrust from the crowded field of PII Data Discovery tools is its holistic approach to privacy management. It integrates comprehensive PII discovery and classification with a suite of tools designed to manage consent, assess privacy impact, and automate compliance tasks. This all-encompassing approach ensures data protection and compliance and fosters a culture of privacy and ethics within organizations.

5. Varonis


Varonis offers a comprehensive suite that goes beyond mere identification to provide in-depth analysis, monitoring, and protection of sensitive data across enterprise environments. Renowned for its ability to secure data where it lives—be it in on-premises servers, cloud storage, or SaaS platforms—Varonis is the go-to solution for organizations seeking to fortify their defenses against data breaches and ensure regulatory compliance.

Key Features

  • Automated Data Discovery and Classification: Varonis automates discovering and classifying PII across an organization’s digital estate, employing sophisticated algorithms to identify sensitive information in real time accurately.
  • Unparalleled User Behavior Analytics: Beyond data discovery, Varonis excels in monitoring user behavior and detecting anomalies that could indicate a data breach or insider threat, thus enabling preemptive action to safeguard sensitive information.
  • Proactive Data Protection: With its policy enforcement capabilities, Varonis ensures that only the right people have access to the correct data at all times, implementing least privilege access and alerting administrators to improper access attempts or suspicious activities.


  • Enhanced Data Security: Varonis provides a multi-layered approach to data security, combining discovery, monitoring, and enforcement to reduce the risk of data breaches and insider threats significantly.
  • Streamlined Compliance: By automating PII discovery and classification, Varonis simplifies the compliance process, making it easier for organizations to adhere to regulations like GDPR, CCPA, and HIPAA, thereby avoiding potential fines and reputational damage.
  • Operational Efficiency: Varonis optimizes data management practices, eliminating unnecessary data exposure and reducing the complexity of managing access permissions, enhancing overall operational efficiency.

Unique Selling Point

Varonis sets itself apart with its advanced user behavior analytics and proactive data protection strategies. This unique combination ensures the security of sensitive information and provides organizations with critical insights into how data is used and accessed. This intelligence-driven approach to data protection makes Varonis a pivotal player in the PII Data Discovery and security landscape.


The landscape of data security and privacy is constantly evolving, and with it, the tools we rely on to protect sensitive information must also advance. The PII Data Discovery tools of 2024 represent the cutting edge in technology, offering businesses robust solutions to navigate the complexities of data protection and regulatory compliance. By carefully selecting a tool that aligns with your organization’s needs, you can ensure that your PII security approach is effective and future-proof. Embrace these innovations and fortify your data protection strategy, safeguarding your most valuable asset—trust.

Evaluate your current data protection strategies and consider how integrating one of 2024’s top PII Data Discovery tools can enhance your organization's security and compliance posture. The right tool is not just an investment in security; it's a commitment to maintaining the trust of those who matter most—your customers.

Founder, Strac. ex-Amazon Payments Infrastructure (Widget, API, Security) Builder for 11 years.

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